Book illustrations

Why does a book need an illustration?
What is the purpose of a book illustration? Simple: it supports the content. Thanks to it, we can better and more effectively understand the issues discussed or, for example, feel the atmosphere of the story we are reading more. In some cases, it is essential, such as in various encyclopedias, where it is difficult to read about something and fully understand it without seeing it. Sometimes it is simply a great addition that diversifies the book and has a positive effect on its recognition and uniqueness.
Basically, all books can be illustrated, even very serious, business, etc., you just need to choose the right style adapted to the target group. By book illustration you have to understand really very different forms. Watercolor, smiling bears are not everything, illustrations can be very minimalist, black and white and even abstract. Simplified forms can often depict much more than literal ones.
Traditionally, illustrations are a popular accompaniment to any stories, entire novels, not only printed ones but also works published on the Internet or as e-books. As I have already mentioned, they are very helpful in any encyclopedias and teaching materials, especially those intended for children. One of the super artistic combinations are illustrated volumes of poems. Poetry, sometimes exceptionally difficult to interpret, can be tamed more easily thanks to illustrations.
See how working with me works
Every criticism, comment or opinion – I take everything into consideration to create art for you that I can sign my name to. What I create must also be consistent with me and my style in which I work.
Yes, they came out beautifully and I can’t wait to see them live.”
“Mrs. Anna,
I must admit that I was moved when I saw the whole thing 😊”
Yes, the cup looks beautiful 🙂
Have a nice day!”
“Good day,
I am enchanted by the sketches. I really liked them. I am impressed by how the illustrations can convey emotions. (…)
Congratulations on your ideas and talent! What I saw definitely confirmed my belief that I had the intuition that you were the one who created these illustrations 🙂 “
Illustration for children's books
Illustration in a book is essential for young children, without it they would not be able to enjoy the book themselves. Even when they can already read, drawing helps them to better understand the content and makes it easier to remember. Book illustration can also be a good lure for children who read, but do it with reluctance and lack of interest. You can learn more about illustrations for children’s books in the children’s illustration tab.
Books made up of only illustrations can be easily compared to a silent film. It is not the dialogues and descriptions that build a given story, but the image itself, the action. Without an imposed text, the book can be told in as many ways as people will take it in their hands. However, we do not always want to create a universal story, so this form of book will work in special cases. Above all, picture books will be liked by the youngest audience.
Children who cannot read yet. This is also an opportunity for parents to let their little ones show off and switch roles in the story of the book for a moment. This medium can accommodate many individual projects that should speak to the recipient only through images. In this case, the lack of reading skills related to age is not the main reason, but the image message is undeniably stronger than the verbal one.
A single illustration or an illustration of an entire book
To best capture the distinctive elements of the illustrated character, I need several different, good-quality photos.
The first step is to send an inquiry describing your needs, vision, and expectations for the graphic design. This will help me better understand your requirements and start preparing a plan of action.
Based on the inquiry, I present the project details – scope of work and deadlines. On this basis, I prepare a quote and schedule to ensure that the project will meet your needs.
After gathering all the information, I start creating a project, which I then submit for evaluation. At this stage, you can submit comments and corrections so that the final version meets your expectations.
Once the design is approved, I make final adjustments if needed and finalize the work.

As part of running my business, similar questions sometimes arise, so I have collected the answers below.
When we first see a book, we don’t know anything about it, it’s usually the cover that decides whether we’ll pick it up or not. A book cover should be like a good movie trailer. It can’t give us everything away, but at the same time it should bring out the meaning and theme. Trailers usually last from a dozen or so seconds to a few minutes, and a book cover is like a captured screenshot that should express more than an entire sequence of images. The cover of an illustrated book is good if it contains a drawing in the same style as the inside, which will immediately direct the reader to what they can find inside. However, it must be done with a good sense so as not to reveal too much but to intrigue.
Book illustrations are, contrary to appearances, of great importance. First of all, they help to understand the content written in letters and contained in the book, especially for younger readers. However, many people, when reading books, definitely prefer a complete lack of illustrations. Yes, such a solution is just as good, because the author of the text does not impose on us his vision of what has been presented and what we are reading about, but forces us, as it were, to create our own vision. Such a procedure develops the reader’s imagination and also prevents them from getting distracted, because we focus on the content itself, without looking at the illustrations that are unnecessary in this case. It all depends mainly on our preferences, but also on the specific work. In some books, illustrations turn out to be very useful, and sometimes even necessary. We are talking here, for example, about books in which an unreal world is shown, because then a map of this world or a given land can be very useful. Sometimes, too, when the author wants to present the recipient with some signs, symbols or other graphic elements, it would also be good if they were illustrated on the pages of a given book.
Illustrations in children’s books are not only a beautiful decoration, but above all a powerful tool that develops imagination. They invite the youngest readers to an extraordinary journey, during which they can travel to any place and time. Thanks to the pictures that complement the literary content, children have the opportunity to independently create vivid images of characters, places and events in their heads.
Illustrations are like seeds that germinate in a child’s imagination, giving rise to a lush vegetation of ideas and fantasies. Every drawing, every line and every color is an inspiration to create their own stories, invent new endings to well-known fairy tales or design extraordinary worlds. Children, looking at illustrations, can change colors, add new elements and even create completely new scenes. Thanks to this, they develop their creativity and the ability to think abstractly.
In addition, illustrations help children better understand the emotions of the characters. Facial expressions, gestures and body positions of the characters in the pictures convey a lot of information that complements the text. Thanks to this, children learn to recognize and name their own emotions, as well as better understand the feelings of other people. This in turn helps them build healthy relationships with peers and adults.
Illustrations are also a great tool for developing observation skills. By analyzing every detail of a picture, children learn to notice differences and similarities, as well as recognize shapes, colors, and patterns. These are all skills
Ilustracje są jak nasiona, które kiełkują w dziecięcej wyobraźni, dając początek bujnej roślinności pomysłów i fantazji. Każdy rysunek, każda linia i każdy kolor to inspiracja do tworzenia własnych historii, wymyślania nowych zakończeń znanych bajek czy projektowania niezwykłych światów. Dzieci, patrząc na ilustracje, mogą zmieniać kolory, dodawać nowe elementy, a nawet tworzyć zupełnie nowe sceny. Dzięki temu rozwijają swoją kreatywność i zdolność do myślenia abstrakcyjnego.
Ponadto, ilustracje pomagają dzieciom lepiej zrozumieć emocje bohaterów. Wyrazy twarzy, gesty i pozycja ciała postaci na obrazkach przekazują wiele informacji, które uzupełniają tekst. Dzięki temu dzieci uczą się rozpoznawać i nazywać swoje własne emocje, a także lepiej rozumieć uczucia innych ludzi. To z kolei pomaga im budować zdrowe relacje z rówieśnikami i dorosłymi.
Ilustracje są również doskonałym narzędziem do rozwijania umiejętności obserwacji. Dzieci, analizując każdy szczegół obrazka, uczą się dostrzegać różnice i podobieństwa, a także rozpoznawać kształty, kolory i wzory. To wszystko są umiejętności
The choice between digital and traditional illustrations in children’s books depends on the artist’s style and the author’s and publisher’s expectations. Digital illustrations offer flexibility and precision, allowing for quick revisions and easy adjustments to colors and details. They are also more cost-effective to produce, especially when printing large quantities. Traditional illustrations, such as watercolors or oils, on the other hand, give the book a unique, handmade feel and can convey a deeper emotional message. Ultimately, the choice comes down to whether you want a book with a modern or more classic look.
The time it takes to illustrate a children’s book depends on many factors, such as the number of illustrations, the complexity of the design, and the technique used by the illustrator. For a standard-length book (e.g. 32 pages), creating illustrations can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Digital illustrations are often quicker to create because they can be easily revised, while traditional work, such as watercolors or oils, can take longer. The process also includes the conceptual phase, creating sketches, approving designs, and finally creating illustrations.
Children’s books should have lots of illustrations because they support the development of imagination, facilitate understanding of the content, and engage young readers. Children, especially younger ones, learn information better in a visual form, and colorful, dynamic illustrations help them learn words, recognize emotions, and develop creativity. Illustrations in children’s books also serve an educational function, helping to understand more difficult concepts and making reading more attractive. Richly illustrated books stimulate cognitive development, introducing children to the world of literature in an engaging and joyful way.